Raised Garden Bed & Personal Farmers: Why all the Hype?
No time to plan your garden? Let us do the work for you with our personal farmer service!
Here in Middle Tennessee our temperatures are still dipping low at night, making some of us feel like warmer weather is far off. Rest assured, though, the time for prepping your garden is here. Have you planned yours out yet?
If this sounds like a daunting task, luck for you – Gardens of Babylon offers a unique “personal farmer” service, making your gardening dreams a reality with minimal effort on your part. This service covers everything necessary to have a successful home garden, from raised bed design and installation, filling your beds with premium compost, to planning, installing, and maintaining your vegetables for you if you choose a contract for ongoing maintenance. The garden will still need a bit of individual attention from the homeowner, but a weekly or bi-weekly maintenance visit makes any necessary tending much easier.
So why the hype around raised beds? These elevated wonders are a favorite among busy gardeners. If you choose to plan out your garden on your own, these can make your work load much lighter! The soil in them warms up faster in spring, ensuring an early start to your growing season. They boast superior drainage, keeping your plants happy even during downpours. They also maximize space and minimize pesky weeds. And, a big plus for gardeners who struggle with heavy clay is the ease of improving the condition of soil in a raised bed. Whether you’re gardening on your own or letting us be your personal farmer, raised beds are a win-win!
But how do you go about setting up your own raised bed oasis? Well, the key is in the details. Opt for a width of no more than four feet to ensure easy access from all sides without compacting the soil. And don’t skimp on sunlight – aim for at least six hours of direct sunshine daily to keep those veggies thriving.
As for what to plant, the options are endless! Beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, herbs – you name it, they’ll flourish in raised beds. Just be mindful of space hogs like melons and pumpkins, which are better suited to larger gardens. And don’t forget to get creative with interplanting; mix and match veggies to maximize your harvest potential.
Ready to take the plunge into raised bed gardening but want it handled by a pro? Schedule a consultation here to kickstart your green journey with your own Personal Farmer! With expert guidance and top-notch services at your fingertips, there’s no better time to turn your garden dreams into reality.
If you’re more the DIY type, the Garden Center at Gardens of Babylon has everything you need to build your own raised beds. You’ll find cedar boards and raised bed kits, along with the soil and plants (in the appropriate season) to fill them, and the tools you need to tend them. Get ready to unleash your inner gardener!