March Landscaping Tips

Gardening equipment

Written by Gardens of Babylon

March 1, 2025

Spring is coming up fast! Now’s the time to get cleaning! March is all about removing the old and getting ready for the new.  Here’s some tips to help get you started!

  • Rake the lawn, even if there are no leaves; it cleans the top layer of your lawn, allowing healthy green grass to make its way to the surface.
  • Trim or mow grassy groundcovers such as liriope and Mondo grass before spring growth begins.
  • Prune overgrown ground cover such as English ivy.
  • Cut back ornamental grasses before new growth appears.
  • Remove winter-damage from shrubs and other ornamentals.
  • Apply pre-emergent fertilizer to cool-season turf grasses.
  • Apply pre-emergent herbicides to your lawn at the same time to control warm season broadleaf and grassy weeds, such as dandelions and crabgrass.
  • Fertilize established shade trees, ornamental trees and shrubs as spring growth begins.
  • Continue to plant evergreen shrubs, fruit, nut and shade trees.
  • Prune all standard roses, except climbing varieties, to 12” above the ground.
  • Do not prune spring flowering shrubs and vines such as forsythia, quince, azaleas and spirea until after blooming.
  • Now is also a great time to apply fertilizer and overseed/aerate your lawn! This would be an ideal time to fill in those bare spots and help jump start the turf.

To begin your next project, schedule a phone consultation
If you would like to work with your existing designer, simply fill in their name in the “Project Details” section.

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