A Bloomin’ Guide to Hydrangeas

A Bloomin’ Guide to Hydrangeas

While the chilly winter months may not seem like the most obvious time to get your green thumbs in action, here’s a gardening secret that might surprise you: winter is the BEST time to plan out your garden. Yes, you heard that right! While the garden beds may be resting under a blanket of snow, your dreams of a lush, vibrant garden can be in full bloom. In fact, this is the perfect season to envision and design your ideal landscape. And, if you adore the sight of beautiful blooms in your garden, then you’ve probably considered adding some hydrangeas to your collection. These stunning shrubs are not only easy on the eyes but also relatively easy to grow. There are many different types of hydrangeas to choose from, but factors such as soil and light conditions strongly determine which ones will thrive in your space.

Hydrangea Basics

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s cover some hydrangea basics. These lovely plants are known for their large, colorful clusters of flowers and lush green foliage. They can be deciduous or evergreen, but most commonly, they are deciduous in Middle Tennessee. Can you believe there are approximately 70 to 75 different species of hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp.) recognized worldwide! These species vary in terms of size, shape, flower color, and growth habits. While there are many species, only a handful are commonly cultivated and well-known for their ornamental value.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff – the types of hydrangeas you can consider for your garden in Middle Tennessee:

Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)


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Also known as French hydrangea, these are probably the most recognizable. They’re known for their globe-shaped, mophead flowers that come in various colors, including blue, pink, and purple. The flower color can actually be influenced by the soil pH, so you can experiment with your soil to get your preferred hue. In our area, these hydrangeas do well when planted in partial shade and provided with plenty of moisture.

Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)

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This hydrangea, often called oakleaf hydrangea, is known for its unique foliage resembling oak tree leaves. The leaves turn a lovely crimson in the fall. Oakleaf hydrangeas produce cone-shaped flower clusters, and they thrive in the dappled shade that is common in our state. They’re quite hardy and can handle our unpredictable weather.

Panicle Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)

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Panicle hydrangeas, sometimes referred to as peegee hydrangeas, are a fantastic choice for our gardens here in Tennessee. They boast elongated flower clusters that start out white and gradually turn pinkish-red as they age. These hydrangeas are sun lovers, so they’ll appreciate a sunny spot in your garden. They’re also pretty drought-tolerant once established.

Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens)

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Smooth hydrangeas, also known as wild hydrangeas, are versatile and can handle both sun and shade, making them a great choice for different spots in your garden. The ‘Annabelle’ variety, often referred to simply as Annabelle hydrangea, is especially popular. It produces enormous white blooms that will steal the show.

Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris)

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If you’re looking to add some vertical interest to your garden, consider the climbing hydrangea. This beauty, commonly known as climbing hydrangea, is a vigorous climber with lacecap-style blooms and glossy green leaves. It’s perfect for covering trellises, walls, or fences, and it can handle the Middle Tennessee climate with ease.

So, which hydrangea should you plant? Well, it depends on your garden’s specific conditions and your personal preferences. If you have a sunny spot, panicle hydrangeas or smooth hydrangeas (like ‘Annabelle’) may be your best bet. For shadier areas, go for bigleaf hydrangeas or oakleaf hydrangeas. And if you want a climbing plant, the climbing hydrangea is a fantastic choice. Remember that hydrangeas in our area will appreciate regular watering, especially during dry spells, and a good layer of mulch to keep their roots cool and moist.

So, grab a warm cup of cocoa, cozy up by the fireplace, and let your imagination run wild as you plan your garden oasis for the upcoming spring and beyond. And if you need a helping hand to turn those dreams into reality, don’t hesitate to reach out to us – your trusted garden design experts. Happy gardening!

November Landscaping Tips

November Landscaping Tips

As November’s chill heralds the onset of winter, it’s pivotal to tend to your garden and landscape. Here’s our guide for this transitional month:

Instead of raking or blowing away the fallen autumn leaves, consider mowing over them. This transforms them into a fine mulch layer, which will naturally compost into the ground, enriching the soil for your lawn. However, if you have a thick canopy of trees, it’s essential to remove those leaves to prevent over-mulching.

For cool-season lawns like tall fescue, it’s time to fertilize. Newly sown fescue and ryegrass lawns should be fertilized at half the suggested rate. Boost the vitality of pansies and other winter flora with bone and blood meal, ensuring robust growth. Our new Natural and Bridge Lawn Care Programs focus on creating better alternatives to typical lawn care treatments so if you’d like help, just reach out!

November remains ideal for planting ornamental, shade trees, and shrubs. If you’re thinking of relocating mature trees or shrubs, wait until they’re dormant. For those opting for balled and burlapped trees or shrubs, now is the time to plant.

To safeguard broadleaf evergreens like southern magnolias, holly, azaleas, and rhododendrons from winter burn, apply an anti-transpirant like Wilt Pruf. This prevents the browning of leaves due to excessive moisture loss.

Before the first hard freeze, ensure evergreens and newly planted flora are well-watered to minimize potential damage. Lastly, as a precaution against freezing, detach garden hoses from spigots, drain them, and shield the faucets.

As the seasons shift and nature evolves, so should your garden. Navigating these changes can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Gardens of Babylon, we possess the expertise and passion to transform your outdoor spaces into thriving sanctuaries. If you’re seeking guidance, personalized solutions, or simply a touch of professional magic for your landscape, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let us cultivate your vision into a living masterpiece.

A Night in the Garden: Celebrating 20 Years

A Night in the Garden: Celebrating 20 Years

Relive the magical moments of this radiant evening in our photo gallery here.

A Glittering Gathering at Nashville’s Premier Garden Destination Honoring Two Decades of Green Excellence

Nestled in the charming heart of Nashville, TN, Gardens of Babylon unfolded a magical realm as it commemorated its 20th Anniversary with a dazzling ‘Night in the Garden’ party on Friday, September 15, 2023. Plant lovers poured in from the local community and abroad, including distinguished designers, builders and company founders – Mark Kerske and sons Marcus and Matt.

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The innovative Botanical Design Team brought a vibrant and refreshing atmosphere. If you’re seeking to elevate your next event with a touch of botanical elegance, reach out to our experienced team to bring your vision to life!

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The event was elegantly lush and tropical, highlighted by a curation of rare plants—affording attendees first look and opportunity to shop these treasures. Gardens of Babylon made sure everyone left with a new green friend.

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It’s a Pear Catering,” based in Cottontown, TN, treated guests to a mouth-watering array of tropical-themed hors d’oeuvres; the tropical theme flowed into refreshing cocktails.

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The atmosphere buzzed with tunes curated by local DJ, Maggie Vanderbilt, ensuring the party maintained its lively spirit. Gardens of Babylon further elevated the festivity with a series of raffles throughout the evening. Among the items raffled was an exquisite piece of artwork by local artist Jamie Ward. A highlight of the event was the raffling of a stunning Thai Constellation Monstera.

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More than a celebration of milestones, the event was a testament to the power of community and connection. The ‘Night in the Garden’ event was both a reflection of the past and an anticipation for the many fruitful years to come.

View the Enchanting Moments:
Relive the magical moments of this radiant evening in our photo gallery here.

To our Nashville family, our loyal patrons, and every individual who has been a part of our journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. As we step into a new era, Gardens of Babylon remains steadfast in its mission of connecting people with the natural world.

For more information on upcoming events at Gardens of Babylon, please be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on all social platforms.

Want a Thicker Lawn? Aeration & Overseeding is the Answer!

Want a Thicker Lawn? Aeration & Overseeding is the Answer!

Aeration and overseeding go hand-in-hand – schedule time with one of our representatives or keep on reading to learn more!

Fall is an enchanting time in Tennessee. As the temperatures start to cool and the leaves transform into a kaleidoscope of colors, it’s also the perfect season to give your lawn some extra love and attention. One of the most beneficial practices you can undertake during this time is aeration and overseeding. Let’s dive into why fall is an ideal season for lawn care in Tennessee.

Why Aeration and Overseeding?

Repair Summer Stress: Tennessee summers can be harsh on lawns, with heat, humidity, and occasional drought taking their toll. Aeration and overseeding help to repair any damage incurred during the summer months, rejuvenating your lawn and preparing it for the cooler seasons ahead.

Promote Strong Root Growth: Aeration loosens compacted soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the root zone. This promotes healthy root growth, making your lawn more resilient to environmental stresses and better able to withstand the challenges of winter.

Fill in Bare Spots: Over time, lawns can develop bare patches due to factors such as foot traffic, disease, or heat stress. Overseeding in the fall fills in these bare spots, thickening the turf and creating a lush, uniform lawn.

Prevent Weeds: By overseeding in the fall, you give your grass a head start over weeds. The dense, healthy turf that results from overseeding competes with weeds, preventing them from taking hold and establishing themselves.

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Why Fall?

Optimal Growing Conditions: Fall in Tennessee typically brings cooler temperatures and ample rainfall, creating ideal conditions for grass seed germination and establishment. The soil is still warm from the summer months, promoting rapid root growth, while the cooler air temperatures reduce the risk of heat stress on newly seeded grass.

Less Competition: With the hot summer months behind us, there’s less competition from weeds for resources like water and sunlight. This gives newly seeded grass a better chance to establish itself without being crowded out by weeds.

Extended Growing Season: Unlike spring, where the window for overseeding is limited by rising temperatures, fall offers an extended growing season. This allows newly seeded grass to become well-established before the onset of winter, giving it a better chance of surviving and thriving come spring.

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What is Aeration?

Lawn aeration, or core aeration, entails the extraction of small plugs or cores from the lawn’s surface. A mechanical aerator is used which creates perforations in the lawn. Then, you add fertilizer and grass seed. This systematic approach contributes to enriching the soil’s oxygen content, relaxing its structure, and introducing supplementary seeds that will sprout come springtime. Typically, this technique is recommended to combat soil compaction in well-trodden turf areas and to curtail excessive thatch accumulation. Once the aeration process is complete, overseeding takes center stage, augmenting the lushness of thinner lawns. By seeding over the existing grass (paired with proper post-installation watering), your lawn’s vibrancy and verdure will be promptly restored.

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What is Overseeding?

Overseeding your lawn refers to the practice of spreading additional grass seed over an existing lawn. This is done to enhance the density, thickness, and overall health of the grass cover. Over time, lawns can become thin or develop bare patches due to factors such as heavy foot traffic, diseases, pests, or environmental stressors. Overseeding helps rejuvenate the lawn by introducing new grass seed into these areas, promoting the growth of fresh, young grass plants. This process could include things like mowing to remove the thatch layer (so dead organic matter doesn’t stop the growth for new grass seeds). It often also includes spreading your desired grass seed using a spreader. There is also maintenance to consider – as the new grass seedlings grow, continue to regularly water, mow, and fertilize.

What are the benefits?

Some benefits of doing an aerate and overseed on your lawn are:

  • Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
  • Enhanced soil water uptake
  • Improved fertilizer uptake and use
  • Reduced water runoff and puddling
  • Stronger turfgrass roots
  • Reduced soil compaction
  • Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance
  • Improved resiliency and cushioning
  • Enhanced thatch breakdown

Be sure to keep in mind the timing of any other lawn care activities you may be planning. It’s also a good idea to observe the condition of your lawn and monitor the weather forecast. And don’t forget – selecting the right type of grass seed for your region and lawn conditions is crucial for successful overseeding!

In conclusion, aeration and overseeding are vital for achieving a lush lawn. In Tennessee, fall is the perfect time to aerate and overseed your lawn, setting the stage for a healthy, vibrant lawn come spring. By taking advantage of the optimal growing conditions and reduced weed competition, you can rejuvenate your lawn and ensure it thrives year-round.

Interested in having Gardens of Babylon help you with the look of your lawn? Check out our page on aeration & overseeding, or book a consultation here.

Creative Ideas for Indoor Plantscaping

Creative Ideas for Indoor Plantscaping

Indoor plants are more than just accessories for your interior spaces. They purify the air, add visual interest, and create a vibrant, welcoming ambiance. Bringing living organic greenery into your space softens the lines of your furniture, walls, and flooring in the way that a blanket does when draped over a chair. Plants bring balance to a room, and when just the right plant is chosen for the space, it can thrive and grow with you. So whether you are an interior designer or a plant mom or plant dad, we hope to give you some fresh ideas in the world of indoor plantscaping.

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Levels and Layering

When arranging plants, consider using vertical space to add more depth and interest. Place plants of different heights on plant stands, shelves, furniture, and even hanging baskets. This tiered approach can help to draw the eye around the room and add visual appeal. 4 2

Container Creativity

The pots and containers you use can significantly impact the overall aesthetic of your indoor garden. Consider unique pots in different shapes, sizes, and colors. The style and color of pot can help bring cohesiveness to the style of your home. Earthy terra cotta pots can bring a southwestern or European flare, whereas a black or white glazed pot works well in more modern spaces. If you love traditional and country spaces, woven baskets add a nice touch. Copper or gold containers can bring drama to a space that otherwise seems lackluster. Just be sure you consider the lining and drainage of each pot you’re using to meet the needs of the plant.

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Mini Indoor Jungle

If you’re a lover of lush greenery, why not turn a corner of your home into a mini indoor jungle? Choose a variety of plants with varying textures and shades of green to mimic the feel of a jungle. Large-leafed plants like Monstera and Fiddle-Leaf Fig can be great additions to this setup.

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Plant Groupings

Consider clustering similar types of plants together for visual impact. For instance, you can create a succulent corner or a cacti collection on a sunny windowsill. Grouping plants with similar light and watering needs also make it easier to care for them.

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Indoor Herb Garden

For the culinary enthusiast, why not incorporate an indoor herb garden into your kitchen space? Not only will this bring an element of nature into your home, but it also provides a readily available supply of fresh herbs for your cooking. Great potted herbs to try in your kitchen are rosemary, basil, mint, and cilantro. New to herb gardening? We have helpful info here to get you started!

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Creative Use of Space

Don’t limit your indoor plants to the floor or tabletops. Utilize all available spaces including walls, ceilings, and stairs. Hanging macrame plant holders can help you with placement by windows when a plant needs more light. Plants that grow in an upward vining nature can be trained up furniture and across walls.

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Terrariums and Miniature Gardens

Creating miniature landscapes in glass containers, also known as terrariums, can be a fantastic way to showcase your creativity. Choose small plants like mosses, ferns, and air plants for these mini ecosystems. These are often displayed as table centerpieces but also look fantastic in bathrooms and on windowsills.

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Plants as Art

Also known as vertical gardens, living wall art can be designed with a variety of plants to create a vibrant tapestry of life. You can use different types of ferns, ivy, succulents, and even herbs depending on the light and watering conditions. One can also opt for air plants, as they require minimal maintenance.  Moss art is an excellent option for those who want to incorporate greenery without having to worry about ongoing maintenance. Moss walls don’t require light or water, making them an excellent choice for rooms with limited natural light, such as a darker den or study. They are created using preserved moss and can be made in a variety of designs and patterns. A botanical designer can create a custom living wall or moss art wall that fits your space perfectly!

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Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to plantscaping. It’s a personal journey of exploring your creativity and discovering what works best for your space and lifestyle. Whether you have a green thumb or are a beginner at plant care, these ideas hopefully inspire you to create a living space that’s uniquely yours. Happy Plantscaping!