3 Reasons Why Landscape Clean-ups are a MUST!

Written by Emily Vogler

October 10, 2022

Fall landscape cleanups are a vital step to take to ensure spring success in your lawn and garden beds. They also protect your investment – your landscaping! Plants need proper preparation to endure the rigors of winter. Our landscape company offers landscape cleanups and plant enhancements throughout the year, which includes removal of fall leaves and debris, pruning and trimming at the proper times, creating fresh bed edges to prevent turf grass creep, and installing fresh mulch for protection and also curb appeal. So keep reading! We’re sharing three main reasons why fall cleanups are so important. (Not to mention now is a great time to get the landscape looking tidy for the holidays…)

A fall landscape cleanup protects your turf.

We love the natural look and feel of fallen fall leaves on the lawn, but if turf health is the goal, it is important to remove them and toss them in the compost. A layer of soggy fall leaves creates a barrier on top of the turf blocking water, sunlight, and healthy air flow, which can create disease and unsightly brown patches. Therefore, we regularly remove leaves and compost them when working in all our clients’ landscapes, and recommend our DIY gardeners do the same. 

Fall cleanups reduce disease spread in spring.

Not only does a landscape cleanup in the fall reduce diseases in turf, but it keeps your landscape plants and vegetable gardens healthier when the temperatures rise. Removing old, dead, and diseased plant material in fall will reduce the spread of fungal and bacterial infections in spring. Any rotted and unharvested fruits, dead branches & limbs, and diseased plant parts can all be composted to create a healthier winter environment before temperatures rise again.

Fall cleanups protect plants.

After removing plant debris such as fallen leaves from your landscape beds and vegetable gardens, it is important to replace it with a disease-free mulch. Mulch protects the roots of perennial plants and the topsoil during winter’s harsh conditions. Our landscape company installs a variety of mulches in our client’s landscapes, but mostly a natural no-dye pine-bark mulch to retain moisture, vital nutrients, and leave the landscape looking fresh. In vegetable beds, cover crop such as clover that double as a mulch and also a spring fertilizer when tilled into the soil are best. Pruning excess limbs and branches during fall also protects plants from winter’s snow and ice and reduces breakage.

If you would like to speak to one of our landscape experts about your fall cleanup project, schedule a free phone consultation. 

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