October Landscaping Tips

Autumn leaves

Written by Emily Vogler

September 25, 2022

October is a great month to get all the last minute items done on your property. It is still warm enough … but not for long. This list will help you figure out what needs to be done before the cold sets in!

  • Fertilize established fescue lawns with a winterizer for better growth in the spring.
  • Mulch or gather leaves regularly as they drop, as a thick leaf layer on lawns can promote insects and diseases and delay winter dormancy.
  • Continue to mow the lawn, as needed. Mow one last time before the first freeze. Grass is much more likely to develop turf diseases if it goes into dormancy at a taller height.
  • Late October is an excellent time for planting shrubs and hardy trees, or transplanting large woody shrubs or ornamental trees.
  • Tidy the garden by removing spent summer annuals, pruning dead bloom spikes off perennials, and re-shaping overgrown perennials later in the season.
  • Plant cool-weather annuals like pansies. Add an organic fertilizer such as bone and blood meal, organic matter such as compost, and work it into the bed before planting.
  • Plant daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and crocus and other spring flowering bulbs from late October until the ground freezes.

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